CTC Character Trait/Student of the Month

🌟 Meet Our March Student of the Month: Yaklin Alvarez-Rodriguez! 🌟

In the heart of the CTC, there shines a bright star, Yaklin Alvarez-Rodriguez, whose spirit of generosity lights up our community. Generosity is all about sharing what we have - it could be a smile, a helping hand, or even giving a bit of our time to make someone else's day brighter. And Yaklin? Well, she embodies this beautiful trait in every way imaginable.

Yaklin has shown us that kindness isn't just about giving things but about giving part of ourselves. Whether it's staying late to help clean up after an event, sharing notes with a classmate who was sick, or simply lending an ear to someone who needs to talk, Yaklin goes above and beyond. It's not about expecting anything in return; it's about making our world a little warmer and more welcoming.

Let's take a leaf out of Yaklin's book and spread a little kindness today. Who knows? A small act of generosity from you might just brighten someone's day! ✨

